Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Yep it was a PARTY at Ken's tonight!!!!!

The day has finally come! And ken partied like there was now tomorrow. (but there better be I have one more steak left). Anyway you are wondering why I would be partying? Well just hold on a second and I will inform you.

On 6-2-08 I called and made my first of many dentist appointments. And for nine months, one surgery and many,many sores, I went to the dentist and followed their instructions to the letter. And here it is 2-24-09 and I had my last adjustment. I told them what I was having for dinner and they said that normally someone at my stage would not be eating that so soon if ever, but that I had been above the curve all along. So I am now DONE with the dentist visits, for about a year which is normal.... What was I having for dinner you ask? here is what was on the table. 1 LARGE "T" bones steak cooked medium well (they are a little harder to chew lol) A good sized baked potato, green beans and a salad. I cooked and prepared the whole thing. IT WAS THE BEST DAMN STEAK I HAVE EVER EATON!!

Now for the story behind the story.

I had bought 2 "T" bones before I went in for surgery and was going to eat them tonight but when I thawed them out they were no good been in the freezer to long I guess. I was so pissed, But I was determined to have my "T" bones I have been through a lot to get to this point. So I went to the store and bought 3 just because! Now you know what I will be eating tomorrow night also!

And to the people that made this all possible and to my family for all there support , I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Anonymous said...

I see you are "channeling me" and photographing your food. LOVE IT!!! Dang, that steak looks good. I am tired of eating fried dill pickles. Maybe I will try a steak too. Congrats on your new chewing ability.

Your favorite sister,

Renee O said...

Favorite Sister? I don't think so...this is war! Good for you Ken, you continue to amaze me!

Love, Your Favorite "Little-er Sister".


Michael Reid said...

Is there a better way to celebrate than steak at home?!

Ken Duck Geraths said...

For the first time ever both sisters comment on the same post and it starts a war.... Life is good.