Sunday, January 11, 2009


Thump.............thump ...... thump........thump ....thump, thump.
(doc) Nurse remove the crash cart from the room.
(nurse) Yes Dr., Do you think it will survive?
(doc) Its out of our hands now nurse.
(nurse) Is there nothing more you can do?
(doc getting red in the face and with anger in his voice) Damn it nurse I'm a Doctor not a blog reader, I can't do it all!
(nurse) I know Dr. I just hate it when we lose a blog, can't we do anything to help it out?
(doc) Well there is one thing we can try, we can tell these readers how to play and how to find this blog.
(nurse looks at the Dr. with dreamy eyes and says) I knew you could think of something. Please tell them.
(doc) Okay nurse I will tell them but I can't force them to read it.
(nurse) I know you will do your best and that will be enough.
(doc) First you have to find this blog there are 2 ways for you to do this, one you can go to Or you can go to the blog roll to the right and just click on "Ask me why" and it will send you there and all you have to do is add it to your favorites.

(nurse) now tell them how to play the game, I love the way you tell it.

(doc) Calm down nurse your giving me a head ache. Yes how to play the game. Ken will ask a question and you answer it in the comment section, Or you can go to the comment section and ask him a question , just don't think you will get a straight answer from him on this blog. If you want a straight answer e-mail it to him at he will try to answer it for you there. He may also use that question in his blog but it is a personal type of question he will either not use your name or will not do it at all on the blog, He cares for his readers.

Then there is this "Who knew" thing-a-ma-bob, That is a strange one he will inform you of something he has discovered that he thinks is strange, you the readers can also add a who knew in the comment section.
The only way this blog will survive is with you playing along, other wise it will die a slow and painful death.