Monday, October 27, 2008

Here is some shots that took all summer to get!

I could not get a chipmunk to let me get close to him and get some close shots.

I have gotten close to Golden Mantels, and had a few of you confused. But a Chipmunk has the white stripe that goes though the eyes and is only half the size.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

More shots from yesterday and the address

Here are a few shots of the best looking duck in the pond... or river what ever.

It was nice too get out of the house and I was just starting to get the ducks in close when my daughter thought she needed to talk......that was the end of the Wood duck photos they don't really like us humans and they really don't like us to ring. But I love talking to her so a small price to pay.

Here is the address and no I can't do the link thing and I know I will here more about it but that's okay. I'm in the 21st century, I'm just slow.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pictures of the day / blog news

Here are a few shots from my fist trip out in three weeks. I will post the duck shots along with the address to my new blog tomorrow.

In other news I have put off killing my Ask blog for a bit. I have been given some new ideas and some changes that sound pretty good ( Thanks to Practical Joe) So I Will be working on this for a while and will update you as I can.

My first posting will be to give you my history, What brought me to where I am today. I may leave out somethings, but everything I put in will be the truth.

Enjoy these photo's but Sundays will be better.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The new blog, and the new name

Okay, I have a new blog that will start on the day that "Ask me why" dies.

It will be called "What ever I want" and that is what will be put in it!

I will answer questions, but I will be doing things with this blog that I would not do with either of the other 2. There will be no restrictions either if you want to use the F bomb fill free. I have instructed my young readers to stay away from this blog. I will be doing a lot of posting on it (I hope) so be watching for it to show up on the 26th. and I hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Its Wedseday so what are we doing tomorrow?

Why we are all going over to JUST A GIRLS place and play the game, that's what RIGHT! You can find her link in my blog list to the right.

Remember its 10 things and you will need to right yours down as you go so when you go to leave your comment you will have them in the right order!

Thanks readers!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


I will be closing my "Ask me why" blog on the 26th of the month. I just don't have enough questions to bother with it. I may open another blog later, but am giving it some thought.
Thanks to all who played and commented on the blog, it was my favorite one to do.

Friday, October 17, 2008

I shall teach you how!!!!!

Now most of you readers are also readers of "just a girl" and if not you should be.
She is about as funny as they come! She does a post every Thursday called "tin truths"
Where she list 10 things. Here is a short example.

1. I would love to meet JAG in person
2. I could eat Reese's peanut butter cups everyday
and so on and so forth to ten. We have all seen this. Now I guess that you haven't got the hint on what you as a reader are supposed to do. And its really starting to piss me off!

So here I will explain it as best I can.
You get a piece of paper and a pin (or pencil) and as you read the things she has you right your answer like this.
1. I'm going to make it a point to meet JAG in person
2. Not me I would rather have a tootsie pop

Okay, now is that easy enough. you will be surprised how much fun it really is.
Then you go back the next day and read what everyone else has said it will crack you the F**K up!

I hope that I don't have to repeat myself. I tried leaving a hint on her blog last week but I guess I was to calm. if you are reading this please understand I'm not calm... I know you guys are smarter than that!

P.S. The spider bite is looking good I'm on new meds and I hope I can get out of the house and stop sleeping all day soon! Thanks to all who sent there love and care! And a special thanks to TGT. you know I love you the most!

Monday, October 13, 2008

News flash.... DOCTORS ARE STUPID!!

I'm in the wrong line of work! I seem to know more about this damn spider bite than the doctors. Here is a piece of the opening conversation between the doctor and I.

Doc. "How's the leg doing?"
Me. "I don't think the infection is gone yet!"
Doc. "it looks good to me"
Me. REALLY? (then I reach down and squeeze my calf just a little)
Doc. "there seems to still be some infection in there"
Me. "yea, did you notice my leg is still swollen?"
Doc. "I guess it is why is that I wonder"
Me. Trying bot to reach out and smack him in the head. "because the effing drugs arn't working"
Doc. "Hummm I think you are right"
I quit talking then, I can only be a nice guy for so long. and I think I was at my limit.

So this is what is going on now.
I'm on new drugs, I am to be off my leg for the next ten days and be back in for a unpacking (#3). and to see how it looks on Thursday.

I would post a picture but I think that would be pushing it a bit to far. Trust me its UGLY okay!!

Side note to family and friends.... I love you all for your kind words and support!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Some old photo's just because........

I can't get out and do anything yet. My leg is still heeling from the spider bite. But I wanted you to know I'm here!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

And the gloves come off!!

I'm pissed and I'm going to war!!!!. enough is enough. Stand back I don't want to hurt any of my readers. I am going to kill every spider I see from now on. I have been bitten twice this year by a venomous spiders, this last one was a "Hobo spider" in the same family as a recluse. I spent several hours in the ER getting this thing cut open drain packed and now two days later I feel so much better. I can walk all the way across a 12' room before falling over in pain!!.

The ass hole is called a Hobo, I worked for four years at a homeless shelter and get bit by the homeless spider. That's the thanks I get !!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sorry, I've been busy!!

Sorry but I have been a little busy lately, I have a lot on my plate.

But fear not my fellow bloggers I will be here as much as I can. It will take a while for me to catch up but I will. I will also try to post more often. I'm not a fan of only posting once a week. So I will do my best. If all goes as planed I will be in Houston soon to help out down there but I have a bunch to do before that can happen.

I could use a few questions for my other blog you have been a little slow. I have just one in a week. and I will be posting it right after this!

Thanks for sticking in here.
